Thank you for your interest in the Forum's Dialogues Grants! 

Before applying, please review the Dialogues Grants Overview & Guidelines on our website. This contains information relevant to completing your application, including Dialogues Grants program goals, eligibility, and review criteria. 

Key Dates:

January 21, 2025 – Dialogues Grants application opens

March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm – Optional draft review submission deadline. 

April 18, 2025 at 11:59pm – Final application deadline

Mid/late June 2025  – Announcement of grant awards 

July 1, 2025– Grant funding period begins

June 30, 2026 – Grant funding period ends (by request, funding may be extended. See below.) 

Application Consultation and Assistance

The Forum’s Grants team is available to answer questions and provide guidance on applicant eligibility, project ideas, budget questions, and technical difficulties submitting an application. Please reach out using the contact information below. 

We also offer optional draft reviews. To receive feedback on proposals, drafts must be submitted by the draft review deadline, March 31, 2025. To submit a draft by email or phone, please use the contact information below. To submit a draft via Submittable, please include “DRAFT FOR REVIEW” in the Project Title field. All feedback or suggestions are based on our past experience working with grantees and our selection committee, and do not guarantee funding. 

Shoshi Bieler, Director of Grants Programs

By email:

By phone: If possible, please schedule a time with me at this link so I can make sure I am prepared for our call. For urgent questions, you can reach me at (907) 770-8406. 


Connect with your friends, colleagues, and other members of your community through engaged conversations that deepen trust and strengthen relationships.

Each Kindling Conversation Toolkit offers a short Alaska-made film, text, audio recording, or photo-essay that acts as a springboard for discussion about a big question we all grapple with but rarely have the opportunity to discuss.

Conversations work best with 5-30 participants and are great for gatherings of all sorts, both in-person and online.


Anyone may host a community conversation. Individuals, tax-exempt organizations, and schools in Alaska are eligible to receive a $250 stipend to help defray the cost of hosting the program. You receive the funds after hosting the event and submitting participant surveys and a short final report.

If you have questions about the program, please contact Shoshi Bieler at


Kindling Conversation gatherings may be scheduled at any time of the year. Applications must be submitted at least 1 week prior to the event.

Kindling Conversation stipend recipients must host their conversation within 3 months of application.


Conversation hosts must apply for a stipend before hosting a conversation. Applications received after the conversation has been held will not be considered. In order to be eligible for the $250 stipend, the community conversation must be at least an hour-long and have at least five participants apart from the facilitator/host. 

If the event is held by an organization or promoted to the public, the Alaska Humanities Forum must be acknowledged in event promotion and during the event itself. 

Finally, the host must submit a VERY short final report within 3 weeks of the completion of the conversation. This final report includes attendance information, evaluation surveys to be completed by conversation participants, and a brief reflection by the facilitator.


The Kindling Conversation stipend is an unrestricted stipend to defray the cost of promoting, hosting, and facilitating the event. The stipend recipient may choose to use the grant to cover food, advertising, printing, facilitation, or facilities fees, or anything else.


At this time, we are offering only one stipend per organization or individual per year without prior approval. Stipend recipients may contact us to host additional conversations after submitting their final report to see if there are funds available for additional sessions.

Please email with questions. 

You don't need to be an expert, a professor, or a professional to make an impact on the cultural life of Alaska. If you cherish the richness that history, literature, and lifelong learning have added to your life and feel moved to help create an Alaska where the humanities inspire citizens to engage with ideas and one another, you can make a difference.

The Alaska Humanities Forum seeks active change-makers and community leaders, listeners and storytellers, fund raisers and friend raisers from across the state to join its board of directors. Board members can offer diverse perspectives, but are all committed to encouraging dialogue and sharing the stories that move us and make us Alaskans.

The board sets the Alaska Humanities Forum's policy and direction, and board members raise funds and strengthen the organization's statewide network of partners. The board meets quarterly (with additional committee work conducted via conference call or in person), and members serve a three-year term with the possibility of reelection to a second term.

To nominate a board member, please fill out the form here. Self-nominations are accepted

Once elected, Board Members are expected to:  


  • Determine,      understand, and support the organization’s mission.
  • Be knowledgeable      about the organization’s major programs.
  • Convene and participate      in long range visioning and strategic planning to ensure the organization’s      future ability to carry out its mission.


  • Establish fiscal      policy and boundaries, including budgets and financial controls.
  • Make a      meaningful annual gift commensurate with personal ability.
  • Assist in      fundraising by, for example, identifying prospective donors, personally      asking others to make a contribution, signing thank you notes, or making      thank you phone calls to contributors.


  • Set policies for      the organization’s operation and guide its general course from year to      year.
  • Select,      evaluate and, if necessary, terminate the appointment of the chief      executive.
  • Ensure that the      provisions of the organization’s charter and the law are being followed.
  • Attend      meetings in person or via      teleconference.
  • Serve on at      least one committee of the board.
  • Recommend      qualified individuals with relevant skills and experience as possible      nominees for the board.

Important as it is to understand what the duties of directors include, it is equally important to understand what they do not include.

Directors should not:

  • Engage in the      day-to-day operation of the organization.
  • Hire staff other      than the chief executive.
  • Make detailed programmatic decisions more appropriately left to staff.

Please be sure to inform the candidate that the selection process involves several stages and is affected by a number of factors that do not in any way reflect on the quality of his or her candidacy. These qualifying factors vary from year to year, and candidates who are not selected for this year’s slate may be invited to remain in the pool for future consideration.

The Alaska Humanities Forum